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Daily Archives: April 12, 2016

Baby Led Weaning: Not As Scary As It Sounds

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It seems to be a generally accepted idea that once babies are old enough, we are supposed to first feed them rice cereal and then move onto purees. Some people take the initiative to make their own purees, which I considered. But none of that seemed like how I wanted to feed my child. So instead, after some research, I decided on baby led weaning.

Baby led weaning means that baby feeds themselves their solid foods with your encouragement. Some people are scared off by the word “weaning” thinking that it means to stop giving breast milk or formula, but it simply means that you are introducing solid foods.

Now, when I was starting Mac on solid foods, I was a little nervous to begin with. Food is such a huge aspect of life and I didn’t want to somehow mess it up (Typical Mom Guilt!) But I feel like I struck a happy medium and now I want to talk about the process we went through in case anyone else is thinking of trying baby led weaning.

Baby led weaning can seem scary at first. I found a way to make it less nerve-wracking for me. Read about the trick and the benefits.