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Daily Archives: July 25, 2016

Montessori Toddler Floor Bed Room

I am going to come right out and admit it: I am worried about showing you guys Mac’s bedroom. Not because there is anything wrong with it; but because every single time I look up stuff about floor beds, there are pictures of these super elaborate floor bed set-ups with highly decorated rooms. Honestly, Mac’s room is the opposite of that. But I finally decided I need to buck up and show you all her room because a Montessori toddler floor bed room doesn’t have to look like it came out of a catalog.

If you’d like to read the other posts in this series, I’ll post them here. First, I talked about how we never used a crib. Then I talked about what a floor bed is. Then I posted about how we shared our bedroom with a floor bed. Make sure you scroll all the way to the bottom for my #1 piece of advice on safety in a Montessori toddler floor bed room. (Also, check out my post about how despite this nice room, our toddler bed shares with us part time.)

Here is a short tour of my daughter's Montessori toddler floor bed room. It isn't magazine-ready, but it works for us. See the simple set-up at