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Minimalism Resources

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I never thought I would call myself a minimalist. I have always been the Queen of Too Much Stuff. Once, I packed 12 pairs of shoes for a week-long mission trip in high school. To be fair, each pair had an outfit or a purpose, but gosh my suitcase was heavy. I have seasonal decorations for each and every season and holiday during the year. I even have extra decorations for some of the bigger holidays.

But then something happened. I had a baby. When I found out I was pregnant, I was determined not to be one of those families that triples their belongings simply because there is a kid in the family. For one thing, we didn’t have any space. I was already taking up all of the storage space in our small townhouse with my own stuff. For another thing, frankly, I was sick of being surrounded by stuff.

Minimalism seems pretty hard to obtain, especially once you have kids. But I have found a few resources that really helped when I was just starting on my minimalism journey. Read about them here.