Christmas Eve Memories

Christmas Eve was spent with my family at my house. It was nice to not have to travel. But all of the workaholics in my family worked a half day. Somehow the morning started with my brother being missing, but not really. He wasn’t around when my sister went to pick him up for work that morning and he wasn’t answering his phone. Now, my brother has a tendency towards bad luck, so we spent the morning in a half panic until Molly spotted him on the job site a few hours later.

Of course, our familial concern only made Mason crabby. So when he showed up with his contribution of burrito flavored beef jerky, he was angry that we cared so much to bombard his phone with messages and even go so far as to Facebook his roommate (who we haven’t met) to make sure he wasn’t dead.

But besides Molly spending her work day mentally planning Mason’s funeral and thinking about what to say in the eulogy she would give, the day was pretty laid back.

Andrew, my mom, the dogs, and I spent the morning playing cards.

andrew cards

mom cards

Then we waited for everyone to arrive. It was a very odd holiday because there was no snow on the ground, our grandparents were traveling, and we didn’t give any gifts because we had decided to spend the weekend at Mystic Lake a few weeks ago. So we watched Christmas specials, stuffed ourselves with food, and played 13 rounds of Mexican Train.

Then, it was time for the traditional ugly Christmas sweater family picture. This year we didn’t have anyone to take the picture for us, so once again we resorted to the self timer.

mom and dad

Don’t let that look fool you, Dad is the one who wanted the pictures taken. He was just really sick that day.

attempt 1

Getting it all set up.

attempt 2

The self-timer works. And Andrew actually appears to be enjoying himself.

falling over

Molly and Andrew insisted on me sitting on their knees. So here is us falling over.

best attempt

This is probably our best attempt. Because we are super photogenic.


My dad said he was “twerking” and Andrew is just done.

molly front

Getting there.


Blurry, but it was the best we got.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and in case anyone is wondering, we are sending cards but I’m using the excuse that I’m pregnant to explain why they aren’t in the mail yet. But look forward to it because it features my large belly and Ralph looks like he is either stoned or silently judging you.