Out and About With No Stroller

I know people already think we are weird because we went out and about with no infant bucket seat. What would you say when I tell you we go out with no stroller either? And Mac is only 16 months old. So how in the world did we survive a morning at the zoo with no stroller? And why? It actually wasn’t too hard and we had a blast.

Taking a stroller everywhere can be a pain in the butt. So sometimes, we go out and about with no stroller. Here is how and why we make no stroller work. quirkyandthenerd.com


I’ll be totally clear here. Andrew and I brought Mac to the zoo. That’s a 2:1 ratio for adults to children. If I was going by myself, I would bring a stroller. If kids outnumbered us, I would bring a stroller. Most of the time Mac walked. One of us would be on Mac duty (making sure she didn’t get in anyones way or eat anything gross off of the ground) while the other carried the diaper bag. She is a trooper and hardly ever needed to be carried. But it was a good workout to carry her when needed and we switched off when one of us was tired.

Taking a stroller everywhere can be a pain in the butt. So sometimes, we go out and about with no stroller. Here is how and why we make no stroller work. quirkyandthenerd.com

Hands-On Exploring

Mac had an amazing time being able to explore at her own pace and on her own terms. When children are stuck in a stroller, they don’t necessarily get to explore the way they want to. Mac was very clear when she wanted to look at an exhibit more and when she wanted to move one. If she was strapped into a stroller, I think it would’ve come out as tantrums and screams. But when she was free to explore, she would shake her head no when she was done and start walking away. That was a pretty clear indication that she was done. Plus how would she have kissed the bear statue if she was in a stroller?

Taking a stroller everywhere can be a pain in the butt. So sometimes, we go out and about with no stroller. Here is how and why we make no stroller work. quirkyandthenerd.com

Who Is The Trip For?

This fits in with hands on exploring, but we let Mac set the pace. We spent four hours at the zoo and I’m sure if we had a stroller, we would’ve seen every single animal in the place. Instead we let Mac explore and set the pace. We saw about half of the zoo.

But we weren’t there so Andrew and I could see everything and rush through the zoo in one morning. We were there for Mac. I see a lot of well-meaning parents trying to make their outings about themselves instead of their children. I know it sucks when you are at the children’s museum and your kid wants to spend two hours playing peek-a-boo with you. Good thing you paid all the money for something you would’ve done at home for free. Or maybe you absolutely love watching the turtles at the zoo but your toddler has zero interest. Let them follow their whims. They are appreciating their outing in their own way.

Seriously, I have seen parents shoving toys in their toddlers hands or making their toddler hurry away from animals they were thoroughly enjoying. Why? Is it because the way they are enjoying their outing isn’t what you consider appropriate? Believe me, I get it. Mac spent a lot of time exploring the leaves and rocks on the ground at the zoo. But I just had to remind myself that it is okay for her to do that.

Taking a stroller everywhere can be a pain in the butt. So sometimes, we go out and about with no stroller. Here is how and why we make no stroller work. quirkyandthenerd.com

Do you brave toddler outings with no stroller? How do you do it?


  1. 3 Tips for Happier Toddler Outings - Quirky and the Nerd | 22nd Jun 16

    […] Monday, I posted about our trip to the zoo without a stroller. We had a blast, even when we had to carry Mac for a little while. In the car on the way home, […]

  2. Carrie Ford-Coates | 14th Aug 16

    Good read. I actually have been guilty of wanting to move on to make sure we saw all the exhibits. In the end, it is all about them. That was the whole point in going! Thanks for the reminder 🙂

  3. Teaching Your Toddler to Behave In Public - Quirky and the Nerd | 4th Oct 16

    […] out in public. I am an introvert raising an extrovert. One of the best things I can do is simply bring Mac along while I run errands. I have been doing that since she was a baby. I get things done while also […]

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