Trip to the Doggy Spa

Today, Ralph took one of his nightmare trips to the groomer. He shakes the entire ride over and acts like we are driving him to his death. But we always request the same groomer (Lisa) because she knows how to handle our little furry monster. According to Lisa, he likes her enough to give her kisses while she trims his face. So his experience must not be that horrible.

I wish Ralph liked the groomer a little more because his breed needs a trim often or he starts to look like a pile of fur. Here is what he looked like this morning:

ralph before new

He could hardly see and his giant ears are were full of tangles. When he put his head down, he didn’t even look like a dog, just a pile of fluff. Don’t get me wrong, he is incredibly cute like this. But he really needs to be able to see obstacles in his path. So after a trip to the doggy spa, we have a tired, but handsome puppy.

ralph sad after new2

I’m just glad to have my baby home. It is so strange to not have him jingle-jangling around the house. And Andrew was the one to drive him to the groomers, so I’m the good guy Ralph will still cuddle with afterwards.