Check Your Weather App: The Plea of a Minnesota Teacher

This post was sponsored by WeatherBug. Make sure you check out my disclosure page for more information on sponsored posts.

I live in Minnesota where we can experience all four seasons in about 48 hours. One year on Thanksgiving it got to 60 degrees and we all sat outside on the deck. Less than 24 hours later, it snowed 6 inches. It is so important to keep up to date on not only the weather right now, but what the weather will be like all day. Technology today means we can easily check a weather app and get all of the information we need. And let me tell you, apparently a ton of parents need a weather app they can depend on, because you wouldn’t believe how some kids come dressed for school. That is where WeatherBug comes in. (Also make sure you take a look at my tips and tricks for dressing your child for winter weather.)

As a Minnesota Mama and Teacher, I know the importance of checking a weather app in the morning before I dress myself or my child. Learn about my favorite weather app. #spon

My Plea to Parents

When you live in a state where the weather is as unpredictable as Minnesota, you need to check more than just the temperature when you wake up or the high temperature of the day. Minnesotans learn to dress in layers and that is the best way to dress your child also. Obviously once kids are older, they will make their own determinations on dressing, but toddlers and preschoolers still rely on parents or other adults to help them out.

Some people look at the temperature when they wake up and bundle their child up to the hilt, not realizing the temperature is supposed to rapidly climb that day. On the flip side, some people look at the high temperature forecast for that day and dress their child in shorts, despite the 40 degree temperature when they are headed to school.

You need a full view of the weather of the day to choose appropriate clothes choices for your child. Look at the current temperature, the high temperature, and if there is any precipitation. It doesn’t have to take much time, especially if you are using a good weather app.

As a Minnesota Mama and Teacher, I know the importance of checking a weather app in the morning before I dress myself or my child. Learn about my favorite weather app. #spon

My Favorite Weather App

My new, favorite weather app is WeatherBug. It is such an easy way for parents especially to check the weather for the day. When you click into the app, it shows you everything you need without any extra clicking or scrolling. It has the current temperature, the high and low for the day, even a small radar screen to show you if there is any precipitation nearby.

If you do want more details, you can find everything from the sunrise/sunset times, the pollen levels, the UV levels, even how far away the nearest lightning strike is. For someone who likes to be up to date on the weather (like me) these are all such cool features.

It is so easy to download also. It is available in the iTunes store and also in the Google Store. Make sure you check it out. Once you start using it, I am sure you will love it as much as I do!

As a Minnesota Mama and Teacher, I know the importance of checking a weather app in the morning before I dress myself or my child. Learn about my favorite weather app. #spon

How do you deal with the ever-changing weather? Do you have a favorite weather app?

This post was sponsored by WeatherBug. Make sure you check out my disclosure page for more information on sponsored posts.